This package contains: ---------------------- up2010_template.tex : the latex template file; up2010_fig1.eps and up2010_fig2.eps : 2 figures used in the template; up2010_ref.bib : the bibliographic template file; up2010_template.pdf: the lateXed template in pdf format; asp2010.sty : the ASP latex style file; asp2010.bst : the ASP bibliographic style file; manual2010_authors.pdf : the ASP instruction manual (note that we have modified and renamed the ASP template files aspauthor.tex and author.bib to include examples of figures and references); copyrightform.pdf : the copyright form (to be signed and returned to us in Sedona); permission.pdf : the permission to use previously published figures, to be signed and returned to us if applicable; checklist.pdf : the check list to be completely fulfilled before submitting your contribution. README: this file Rules and Tips: --------------- PLEASE FOLLOW THE AUTHOR INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND DO NOT CHANGE THE MACROS OR ADD IN YOUR OWN DEFINITIONS OR LATEX PACKAGES (INCLUDING OLD ASP PACKAGES), ANY CHANGES WILL BE IGNORED WHEN COMPILING THE VOLUME! Poster papers can be up to 4 pages, talks up to 8 pages; Space management tools such as \vspace commands will be removed, please don't use them; Figures must be in .eps format with a resolution > 266 ppi (pixels per inch). Bear in mind that line diagrams must be of a suitably higher resolution (e.g., 800 ppi) to avoid pixelation; Figures will appear in black & white, make sure to describe them appropriately in your captions; Please use \plotone or \plottwo unless \plotfiddle is absolutely necessary; For those unfamiliar with BibTeX, the entries in BibTeX format to be included in your *.bib file can be obtained from the ADS; To compile your article on the command line : 1. latex up2010_template 2. bibtex up2010_template 3. latex up2010_template 4. latex up2010_template 5. dvips -Ppdf up2010_template.dvi 6. ps2pdf14 Do not worry about missing the ncccropmark.sty and watermark.sty files; TeXShop does steps 5 and 6 automaticallly but you will still need to run latex several times to generate the references and figure numbers. Deadline: --------- ALL CONTRIBUTIONS ARE DUE BY AUGUST 6, 2010. Submission: ----------- Please deliver your proceedings contributions as a gzipped tarfile by anonymous ftp: 1. ftp 2. Username: anonymous 3. Password: 4. cd up2010 5. put [lastname_firstinitial.tar.gzip] 6. quit This gzipped tarfile *must* include the following files: 1. Manuscript [lastname_firstinitial.tex] using the up2010_template.tex template IMPORTANT: Please include the complete address *and phone number* where you would like your copy of the book mailed as a '%'-delimited comment at the beginning of your .tex file. 2. Figures [lastname_firstinitial_1,2,3,etc.eps] (black and white only) 3. Bibtex file [lastname_firstinitial.bib] using the up2010_ref.bib template 4. PDF version of LaTeX'ed document [lastname_firstinitial.pdf] Happy LateXing! Please contact Marie Treyer if you have any questions.